Efiwym, my wife, washed clothes on Tuesday. My first question when I got home was, “how did the dryer run?” She responded that the clothes dried faster without a problem. She even said the dryer sounded better, like you could hear the air flowing through the dryer and vent.
However, she noted that you could see daylight around the wall vent opening. Initially I checked to make sure there was not any air leakage. Maybe it was because I used gray duct tape instead of black tape. I told her I would check it on the weekend.
The weekend was here, and I decided to peer through the vent opening from the outside. I removed all the louvers and looked inside the vent. Yup, I did miss the mark. The vent pipe was too far over. The “crunching sound” might have been just the two pipes hitting each other.
I tried to re-align the vent from the outside. However, the dryer was tight against the inside vent, and I could not move it. I when back inside and backed up the dryer just a little. I tore some tape around the vent just to loosen it up. I went back outside and put my hand in the outside vent to line up the two vents. The outside vent had some play, so I was able to move it around to line it up. I got most of the inside vent into the outer vent. There was just a small part that did not want to move. Close enough! I put the louvers back on. I was done outside.
I came back and retaped the vent, ran the dryer, checked for leaks, and checked for daylight. No leaks, no daylight. A tight fit! Success!