I applied stain to the door parts and noticed that I was seeing mill marks on a couple of the rails. They were minor, but it was disconcerting. I was sanding these boards before staining, and somehow, I was missing the marks. I first ran into mill marks on the last phase. Again, they were not that noticeable. I thought I was making an effort to check for them this time around. Apparently not.

I used the spray-on poly for all three coats of the front of the door frames and panels. I was going to use the brush-on poly. However, air got into the can, and I had dried-out clumps in the polyurethane. I decided I was not going to use it and then have regrets after it dried. For the back of the door frames, I used the wipe-on poly, like I did on the last cabinet doors. On to assembly and installation…