When I replaced the flooring many years ago, I put in a drain. It was a drain that was not plumbed. It was basically a hole in the floor with a floor drain cover under the laundry tub cabinet. It was designed to have any overflow of the washer or laundry tub to go into…
After Efiwym, my wife, finished with Thursday’s wash, the time clock was set to get the flooring done in the laundry room. I had until Tuesday morning to complete the project. I had a good three days to finish, so I thought I could easily get it done. The first thing that needed to be…
A new drain pump for the washing machine did not fix the problem. I could not return the drain pump, but maybe I could sell it on eBay®, and I did. I got half my money back and I put the used pump on eBay® too. I wanted to cut my losses. We bought a…
The plan was to replace the drain pump in the washing machine. The next day, I checked our local appliance parts store to see if they had one in stock. I would plow ahead and replace the pump without checking if the old one was bad. I went to the store and picked it up. …